Good Saturday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 7/25/08 9:01 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Brought to you live from the muggy CA desert it is Saturdays edition of Good Morning Cali!

The valley here is bracing for another weekend of possible flash floods here. I am hoping not because it was a big pain in the arse last week with roads closed due to flooding! It only took one hour of rain to have business closed and house completely ruined with the run off out the canyons and mountains here. Hard to believe eh? This is something I am not use to even though I lived in the SF bay area and was use to rain....nothing ever prepared me to see flash flooding like it happens here. Seriously I have heard stories where cars are just swepted away on the streets here on some streets in Palm Springs when it comes rush off the big kahona mountain aka San Jacinto.

Well so much for our little weather report from the desert.....all I can say is HOT and MUGGY for sure!

I hopped on my computer as I usually do in the middle of the night to open my email and find this wonderful email from Chris R. How many of you remember her? She is this super kind lady and I was so happy to hear from her. She is doing fantastic....has lost 90 lbs, but felt she had to back away from the boards as she was becoming so addicted. We all know how that is, but I thought I would let you all know that she is alive and doing well!

So not a lot to talk about.....low activity on the boards as everyone is out enjoying life and their weekends I am sure.

What is all on your agenda for the day? I am kind of like wha wha because I really wanted to go camping. I know they are all having a blast and I hope they are not too hot or get rained on!

So stop reading and start writing.....we all like living vicariously through each other!

Have a great day everyone and remember to drink lots of get super dehydrated real quick in this kind of weather!

PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Katt M.
on 7/25/08 10:39 pm - Fontana, CA
Good morning Janine and the Cali Crew. Looks like I am the first to post this morning. Wooohooooo!!! lol What am I doing up so early on this Saturday morning??? I am getting ready to leave for Comic-Con in San Diego. It is going to be soooo much fun! There are a lot of celebrities at this thing. And I get to see and meet so many wonderful artists. I will be taking LOTS of picutres over rhe course of the next two days. Hope everyone enjoys their weekend. Oh, Jason and his girlfriend took us out to dinner last night before they left on their move to Missouri. I miss the little **** Well, gotta jet. Have a great day everyone and remember: Who you are, makes a difference! =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 7/25/08 10:51 pm - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine & Everyone,
I know what you are talking about with the flash floods. Did that once when I was there and all the TV could say is this road is closed and that road is closed. Not a good thing. Kinda the same as when the winds get really bad and shut down roads out there and you are just stuck in the house. Well unless you need the paint removed from your car, lol. So I really hope you have a peaceful weather day out there.
Today for me.....not a whole lot. I have a good friend/neighbor who is moving despite not having my permission so we are having a little going away thing this afternoon. The best news with her is she heard all the horror stories about WLS and wouldnt look into it, but after knowing I had it now she is. Hopefully someday she wont need her electric scooter to get around!!! Other than that maybe some pool time, and who knows what else I am going to find to organize or do around the house.
Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 7/25/08 11:26 pm - CA
i'm having a good saturday... i'm up a 5am and doing well... i just do some cleaning and ride my excersize bike ... i just got the bike yesterday and i put it together all by myself wooohoo... my surgery is on monday and i can't wait i'm soooo excited  two more nights can't wait.. i could really use some prayers from everyone cuz i'm a bit scared.. and my bf is nonsupportive.. so any shouts out would be sooo cool thankyou ...

Kim K.
on 7/26/08 1:54 am
Hi Lisa!  I was one of the weird ones on here who wasn't the least bit nervous  I was just SO done with being fat and all that comes with it.  I was fortunate to have great support alllll the way around me, friends, bosses, husband, family.  So, you have us to give you support, I hope your b/f comes around when he sees the positive impact this will have on your life, but he may not, I have to be honest with you about that.  You're making the best choice for YOU. 

Just keep looking to the future, you've got a bright one right over there...see it? 
And we'll all be there to help each other...  xo  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 7/26/08 6:25 am - Clovis, CA
You and me, Kim ... I'm sure we are not the only ones ... But I was SO EXCITED! Too excited to be scared. My mom passed away in February, before I was approved for surgery, and one of the listed causes of her death was morbid obesity. I was excited to have the chance to change my own destiny, because as I had gotten older I had started to get a lot of the same medical problems that my mom had. But when surgery time came, I was completely at peace because I knew that my mom was (and is) my guardian angel and that she would be watching over me. My spirits were high the morning of surgery ... I couldn't wait to go to the hospital! I chatted with the pre-op nurses and I chatted with the OR staff ... It didn't take long for me to wake up from the anesthesia and aside from the pain in my chest from the CO2, I felt great. By the time they took me to my room, I was wide awake ... I was chatting with my dad and a friend who was there to visit, and texting all my friends to let them know I was still alive. :-)

Don't be nervous, Lisa ..... You are going to do GREAT and we will all be thinking of and praying for you!
In remembrance of my mom, for always and forever ... Patricia Alice Harkey, 04/19/56-02/10/08 ... I love and miss you every moment of every day, Patty Cake.
Kim K.
on 7/25/08 11:29 pm

Morning everyone!  I know for sure we're going to do some work at organizing the storage in the garage, get the camping stuff put aside for 2 weeks!!!  Maybe finally get the last of the boxes of of the apt and down to storage, start looking like we actually live  Just chores and stuff...and I do want to sit out by the pool for a bit and enjoy the last of the good book I'm reading!  Ya'll have a great day and don't forget to drink tha****er!  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


Maureen N.
on 7/25/08 11:53 pm - Redding, CA
Good Morning All!  Miracle for sure that I am here this early in the thread!  The Pup-A-Razzi needed to go out and wanted their breakfast so they woke me up.  Rest assured, I am headed back to commune with my pillow once again.

Yesterday was a doozie!  I spent a lot of time sitting on my butt driving everywhere.  First off down to Chico to train some more (this guy just can't seem to pick this stuff up!) and then for my LIC which is the local investigative committee to settle my grievance over overtime.  I WON!  I didn't get the full 18 hours of bypass double time, but I did get what I wanted.  I got 4 hours doubletime pay and a directive to get local clerical storm room procedures initiated.  I am on the committee.  This is a win for me because we have one girl in the office who does it all, does not share and calls it "her" overtime and no sharing.  Other places call in 2 people and she refuses.   The manager and HR rep both said "it looks like she's screwed you out of a lot of overtime over the last two years".  Yup.

I raced back, met Joe to hand off the kid at 3:56 pm.  The kid and I went to the shoe store to replace the tennies that Roxy went "Nom, Nom Nom"  (go to and chewed one shoe up.  Now not only does she have poop-breath (we're working on that bad behavior) she now has shoe breath.  We also went and bough groceries for Joe's hunting trip.  Jayden and I met up with his mom, watched the big helicopters with their "straws" suck up water from the river and dump it on the fires.  It was cool.  I headed home and to bed.  Today I'm off to pay some bills, clean the hell out of my house, do some laundry watch The Bucket List and take a nap.  Home alone has some benefits.

Back to bed dears............... my pillow is calling!

Create Your Own Ticker

on 7/26/08 1:12 am - Stockton, CA
Maureen, I just cracked up at your post. My springer spaniel puppy Sophie seems to be " left footed" she has chewed up about six of my left shoes!! She is almost 3 months old and seriously due for training.
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